A Pampered Chef Fund Raiser

Kitchen Show!

Gathering together around the table…

It’s an integral part of our faith and families.


Join us at the

 New Boston Community Church

On Sunday   

April 20, 2008 @ 12:30 PM

For some Food, Fun, and Fellowship.

We’ll have an “on time” drawing before we start.

The Pampered Chef is the Premier Direct Seller of essential kitchen tools.

All items have a minimum one year guarantee, with many having a 3 year, 5 year,

Or LIFETIME guarantee.

And with over 175 products under $15, they fit any budget!

You can help support New Boston Community Church by doing ANY or ALL of the following…

~Purchase products from the catalog or at the Kitchen Show for your own kitchen, or…think outside your own kitchen for…

             Weddings, Birthdays, Graduations, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Gift Certificates etc!!

   Pampered Chef will donate a percentage of sales to New Boston Community Church. The higher the sales, the higher the % from Pampered Chef (up to 15%).  Catalogs will be available in the church and orders will be accepted until Sunday  April  20 at coffee hour for any people who want to support the church but can’t make it to the Kitchen Show.  You can also call Nancy Connor, or check out the products online at:  www.pamperedchef.biz/nancyscookin

Orders can be placed online but BE CERTAIN to type in “New Boston Community Church” in the space provided on the “how to order” screen or the church will NOT get credit for the order!!!

~Share the catalogs with friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

      Share the catalog or have people check out the products online at www.pamperedchef.biz/nancyscookin

~Book a Kitchen Show!

     Earn FREE and discounted products for your kitchen AND support the church by booking a kitchen show!  A $3.00 donation will be made by Pampered Chef for every show booked!


  ~Want to win $25.00 in FREE Pampered Chef Merchandise?  Collect at least 5 orders (from people outside of the church) by April 20 and get your name into a drawing to receive $25.00 in FREE products!!    


Any questions?  Please contact

Nancy Connor  603-497-2158  bearlythere61@aol.com or

Kristi Citak  603-487-3901


Men who cook and eat are welcome too!!