church service september 24 2023
SERMON: David's Sister Has It Right
SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:8-10
Leader: O come let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Everyone: Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!
Leader: For the Lord is a great God, and a great king above all gods
Everyone: In His hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are His also.
Leader: The sea is His for He made it, and the dry lands which His hands have formed
Everyone: O come let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
Leader: For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His Hand.
We believe Jesus is the light of the world; in the face of the darkness about us, we remember. Unafraid of the power of evil within and around us, we proclaim the victory found in Christ Jesus. We remind one another that His word is light to our conscience. As the church, we confirm one another in the belief that His Spirit of truth is in our midst. Our belief in His victory on the cross, His glory of resurrection lives in every single Christian and in every moral act that builds His kingdom. Born out of darkness into His own kingdom of light, we will no longer act as children of darkness. We will live in the light. We will be light to the world. We will walk in the light, who is Christ Jesus.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen
Click on the hymns below to follow or sing along
SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:8-10
Leader: O come let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Everyone: Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise!
Leader: For the Lord is a great God, and a great king above all gods
Everyone: In His hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are His also.
Leader: The sea is His for He made it, and the dry lands which His hands have formed
Everyone: O come let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.
Leader: For He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His Hand.
We believe Jesus is the light of the world; in the face of the darkness about us, we remember. Unafraid of the power of evil within and around us, we proclaim the victory found in Christ Jesus. We remind one another that His word is light to our conscience. As the church, we confirm one another in the belief that His Spirit of truth is in our midst. Our belief in His victory on the cross, His glory of resurrection lives in every single Christian and in every moral act that builds His kingdom. Born out of darkness into His own kingdom of light, we will no longer act as children of darkness. We will live in the light. We will be light to the world. We will walk in the light, who is Christ Jesus.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen
Click on the hymns below to follow or sing along

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