We have a number of opportunities for you. see below for our most urgent needs. if you have other ideas or talents, we'd love to hear. call woody at 487-3643.
SUNDAY MORNING GREETERS: Greeters will pass out bulletins and greet people as they enter the church. They will also light the candles on the pulpit and put out a glass of water for Woody. And they will pass the collection plate during the offertory.
Sign up on the board or contack Lynn Wawrzyniak wawrzyniaklynn@gmail.com |

FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR: Sign up by clicking on the link below. If you wish to dedicate the flowers to a person, as a memorial or for a special occasion, please let Ellen (email and cell phone below) know so she can send the information to the church office to have it placed in the Sunday bulletin. Vases are available in the church kitchen (upper cabinet near hallway door), if you do not want to bring your own container. After the service, please take the flowers home or give them as a gift to someone. And thank you!
Ellen Anderson--973-747-2321, please text or email: andersel@njms.rutgers.edu
If you need suggestions, Click here for" flowers of the month" for each month
Ellen Anderson--973-747-2321, please text or email: andersel@njms.rutgers.edu
If you need suggestions, Click here for" flowers of the month" for each month

SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP HOSTS: We are looking for hosts for the after-service fellowship time. Hosts can be families, individuals, groups of friends, or church committees. Responsibilities include:
Sign up on the bulletin board or contact Lynn Wawrzyniak wawrzyniaklynn@gmail.com
- Planning and bringing mini-snacks individually wrapped (store bought are okay)
- Setting up before church
- Serving beverages and mini-snacks
- Socializing
- Cleanup
Sign up on the bulletin board or contact Lynn Wawrzyniak wawrzyniaklynn@gmail.com

NURSERY: The Community Church of New Boston is seeking adult volunteers to supervise our smallest children during Sunday services. Responsibilities include interacting with young children and their parents/caregivers, executing safety protocols such as signing children in/out, and assisting children with self-care as needed. Does this interest you? If it does, please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Sign up on the bulletin board or contac Lynn Wawrzyniak wawrzyniaklynn@gmail.com
Sign up on the bulletin board or contac Lynn Wawrzyniak wawrzyniaklynn@gmail.com
CHOIR: We are always looking for people who like to sing to join our choir. We practice every Tuesday night and generally sing in church a couple of times a month.
If you want to find out more or have questions, call our Minister of Music, Sam Gorton: 759-8824; or email at: eacgorton@gmail.com |